Musixmatch is the world’s largest collection of song lyrics used by millions of people to get instant synchronised lyrics for Youtube, Spotify, Pandora and more. You can also now use it to get song translations on the go.
Musixmatch is a place where you can find all the lyrics in many languages of many songs on popular online music channels. With Musixmatch in your device, you won’t worry about not finding the lyrics of your favorite song when listening to music anymore.
Introduce about Musixmatch
Musixmatch is an application that can help you format the lyrics for supported music applications with an impressive amount of resources. You’ll be able to take advantage of the lyrics search anywhere you want and have built-in song formatting if you happen to hear it. At the same time, you can easily experience this application on different platforms and share meaningful lyrics with other users.

What is Musixmatch?
Musixmatch is not only the largest collection of lyrics available on mobile today, but also can automatically synchronize lyrics instantly to the online music you are listening to. Musixmatch has great compatibility, can “listen” and match lyrics with major music channels such as Spotify, YouTube, Pandora, Apple Music, SoundCloud, Google Play Music. Just listen to music online as usual and press the Lyrics button, you will immediately receive the lyrics corresponding to the tune you are listening to (if it is a song with lyrics).
Not only listening to music, enjoying meaningful lyrics, but through this application, you can also combine learning foreign languages. Learning a foreign language through melodies and lyrics is still the fastest and most effective way.
Best music player for Android
Musixmatch is a global music data platform and company based in Italy. Their company consists of nearly 50 elite developers and is passionate about music. With a huge database of entire lyrics and translations, their services are getting better and better thanks to the contribution of the huge user community across the globe.
Basically, Musixmatch is like the popular music player for Android. It is compatible with all other music players like Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer Music Player, Youtube, Facebook, … and shows you the lyrics of the song you are listening to. It’s convenient, right?

Lyrics with duo languages
You may not know, listening to music is one of the most effective ways to learn foreign languages. It’s great when you are learning a new language and using Musixmatch, because this application will display the lyrics in two languages, including the original language and the language of your choice. Besides, this feature also helps you understand the meaning of the song!
Besides the melody, some music lovers have a habit of focusing on the lyrics. This application may be the application you are looking for. Do you think that translations will be as dry as Google Translate? Do not worried. Translations of songs contributed by trusted users. The community using this application always tries to bring the best translations, because if you contribute a lot of meaningful lyrics, your account will be upgraded. You will get some extra benefits, even money.
Find your favourite musics
Have you ever heard a nice melody playing from a cafe, and you’re curious what song it is? If you cannot find it, you will surely regret it and expect one day, you are lucky to hear it again. Musixmatch can help you in this case. With the song search feature, you just need to let your phone hear that tune, the application will quickly analyze the sound and return you the most accurate results.
Also, if you wanted to find the lyrics of a tune you heard on Youtube, what would you do? Search for the song title, then find that result on Google? That process takes a lot of time. With Musixmatch, you can do it with just one touch.

Useful Lyrics
One feature that any user will love when using Musixmatch is that you can easily find the lyrics quickly. Finding lyrics is a valuable feature used by many, and now you can keep track of your songs more easily. At the same time, the application also comes with many other useful features to assist users in searching for lyrics; you can be assured of the number of resources this application owns.
The valuable feature that users will use is called floating lyric, and it is similar to a ball appearing in another music streaming platform. The feature will come with another music player, and when you play any song, you’ll need to tap the app’s ball. Immediately, you will see a background with simple colors and accompanied by song lyrics. So you’ll be able to see the lyrics completely easily, and it’s suitable for songs on multiple platforms.
When you use Musixmatch, users will know which platforms they can use, and song search will work in a compatible manner. So, most of the famous music streaming sites like Spotify, Youtube, and many other platforms. You will have both perfect sound quality and accurate lyrics. So you can understand the lyrics of the song, the app also offers a translation feature so users can understand and sing along if they want.
Mod Info
- Premium Features Unlocked
- AOSP Compatible / No Google
- CPUs arch: Universal
- Full Multi Languages
- All debug Info Removed
- Original Signature Changed
- ➡️ Note: Sign-in is required
- Modded by Mixroot
Installation Instruction:
- Download app from the link given above {Important}
- Go to Settings on your Android device. {If your have “Install from unknown sources” settings enabled, skip to step 6}
- Here click on the option named Security.
- Here, under Device administrator look for Unknown Sources.
- Turn ON the Install from Unkown Sources.
- Then install the apk.
- That’s it! Enjoy.